Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Setbacks in Success

I wrote a blog a few weeks ago about measuring success.  It's not always based on the scale and you should see victories in other places. 

Today I want to talk about what happens when you don't succeed, miss out on some goals, and you have setbacks in success. 

Here are some of my thoughts.  I encourage you to post in a comment below some additional thoughts you may have as well.


You cannot change what you did a year ago; you cannot change what you did five minutes ago.  The choices you made then are GONE and done with.

2.  You have the power to make sure the mistakes of yesterday are not repeated in the actions of today.  You have the power of choice.  Choose the strawberry over the licorice.  I promise you will start to see great results when you CHOOSE to make the right decisions. 

3.  The future is in your hands.  When you choose to forgo the huge dish of ice cream and instead choose cut up fruit with Greek yogurt, you are defining your future self. 

And your future self thank you. 

4.  One of the biggest ways to overcome a setback is to determine why the setback happened in the first place so you can make sure it doesn't happen again!!
5.  The last thing I want you to remember is that the setbacks you experience have the power to push you forward if you choose to learn from them.  

My biggest setback occured about four years ago.  I lost 30 pounds with the help of a friend.  For about four weeks, I did not see the scale move at all.  It was frustrating and discouraging.  And I gave up.  Not my finest moment.  Then I fell into a cycle of "I don't care what I eat."  And I gained back the 30 pounds....  PLUS an additional 10.  That is a HUGE setback and one I am not proud of at all.   BUT, I learned from that.  I learned that sometimes the scale does not move but there are other things to be proud of.  I also learned that how I felt then is NOT something I ever want to experience again.  The despair was a horrible feeling.  I felt lost and then when I saw the scale at my heaviest back in February, it clicked.  I needed to try again.  And this time, I am not giving up.  I've since lost 22 1/2 pounds.  I have 17 1/2 more pounds to go before I lose what I gained back.  But it's my setback weight I'm losing.  After that, I'm going to start fresh and really push those eating habits and push my limits with working out. 

As usual, I am ending my post with a CHALLENGE!!!!!  This one might be easy for some but difficult for others. 

Don't purposely suffer through setbacks.  But understand them and use them as a learning experience!!


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