Saturday, June 23, 2012

Morning vs. Evening Workouts

Morning workouts can be a challenge, but they get the blood pumping and your brain waking up. 

Evening workouts can be great too as a way to relax and shake off the stress of the day. 

Neither are wrong, so how do you decide? 

First of all, think about your schedule and when a workout will fit into your day.  If a morning workout is the way to go, here are some easy steps to keep you motivated and keep your appointment to either hit the gym or push play!!

1.  Plan ahead and stick to the plan.  Having your alarm set will go a long way in helping you achieve your goal of working out in the morning. 

2.  Lay your clothes out the night before.  Have them in the gym bag or in the place where you get dressed.  Make the workout clothes the first thing you see!

3.  Commit to the schedule.  Don't lay in bed and say "5 more minutes."  Just get up and DO IT!  Once you're up and about and dressed, you will have no choice but to hit the gym or push play.

4.  Get rid of the voice inside your head that tells you not to workout today.  Listen to the positive voice in your head that says your day will be better for it.

5.  Keep a variety in your workout routine.  If you are doing a program (such as a Beachbody program), make sure it has enough variety to keep you interested.  If you love the gym, make sure you're switching up the exercises so you are not doing the same thing all the time.  This not only gives you variety but it keeps your body thinking.

6.  Know when you're body needs rest.  If you are injured, make sure you take the time needed to recover.  Build a couple of rest days into your routine so you are not overworking your body. 


I prefer to get the workout out of the way.  So I try to wake up early in the morning to get the workout done.  However, there are some days when that cannot happen because I would need to be up at an unreasonable hour (before 5 am is unreasonable to me).  When I cannot get up in the morning, I make sure I schedule the workout for RIGHT after work.  I do not mess around and just get it DONE. 




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