Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To PhD or not to PhD, that is the question!

I have come to a point in my life where I feel as though more is necessary.  I am not sure why.  Maybe not MORE, just different.  Ten years ago I graduated from college, ready to earn my degree in elementary education.  I had a plan and a full ride scholarship to help me reach that plan.  During my first year of school, I partied more than I should have and my GPA suffered.  My second year, same story.  I lost my full ride, then just got way burnt out on school trying to get caught up.  So, through the burnout phase, I quit.  I left school.  Left it all behind and wasted credits. 

Four years later, I got the urge to go to school again and finish what I started...  well, start over and THEN finish what I started...  So, 10 years after graduating high school, I find myself with a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Management from Ashford University and pursuing a Master of Arts in Teaching with Learning and Technology.  My goals have changed, my ideas have changed.  My career path is definitely not what I pictured myself doing ten years ago.  I'm a different person though.  And with that different person comes different ideas, goals, and plans. 

I know I want to teach college courses.  With the degrees I will have by the end of this year (the BAOM and MATLT) I will be able to teach online courses at Ashford University and possibly at a community college or another online school.  But, I know myself (too well, sometimes) and I know I would not be happy without reaching for something else.  Teaching at the university level would be a dream!  Even being a dean of a college and the responsbility of that would be an amazing dream.  I have not decided yet if it is a goal.  Big different, between a goal and a dream, I think.  But that's just me.  Would I be happy?  And if I would not be happy, is the PhD the way to go?

Teaching at the university level will eventually require a terminal degree.  However, after my MATLT program is finished, I am not sure that I would want to contribute another 3-4 years to another degree, albeit a great degree that could open countless doors and windows.

The cons to earning a PhD of course would be the cost and then the additional time.  Starting a family is something we've been talking about.  Would I be able to juggle earning a PhD AND a family AND a job???  So I'm really not sure. 

I know WHAT I want to do (teach college), but I am not sure if I will be happy there and will desire to keep reaching for more (teaching at a university or becoming a dean).  I need to pray about it and seek wisdom of those who have gone before me.  I think it would be an amazing experience to earn my PhD.  I just don't know if I am ready for the experience to happen to me yet.

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