Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mike Walked Today!!!

So, Mike is officially a graduate of Everglades University, a student of the university no more.  He's very excited, to say the least.  The ceremony was beautiful.  The speakers were amazing and had some incredible stories to tell.  They inspired me to keep reaching for the stars and I wasn't even one of the students sitting there receiving my diploma yet.  The inspiration that the speakers leant to the students was amazing.  There was a state representative who was the keynote speaker who overcame insurmountable odds to be where she is today, being told she would never walk past age 13 due to rheumatoid arthritis.  Not only is she walking but she is representing the state of Florida doing what she loves most:  being a public servant.  Another speaker now holds a BS, an MS, and a PhD against all odds.  The stories were moving and inspiring.

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