Friday, February 19, 2010

What a week!

It's been a long week.  I started my class for my Master's program.  I love it so far.  I'm trying to work ahead so that when our Florida vacation arrives, I will not have to do much of the major assignment stuff, just responses to discussion postings which should not be a big deal. 

My TMJ flared up again.  It's been "fun" being on a liquid diet...  I do NOT recommend it.  But, at least there are soups and yogurts that I can eat.  I've been trying to get my caloric intake steady but I keep coming in really low.  Needless to say, I've lost a little weight.

Mike only has 8 days left.  He's trying to finish up an 8 page paper, and then he's working on a 12-14 page paper.  I know he can do it.  He just needs to push on through to the end.

Today I planned his party.  With the business trip next week, I had to get everything finished.  So, that's what I did.  It will be at the BBQ Joint, and let me just tell you that those people over there were soooo incredibly helpful.  We aren't having a lot of guests, but they managed to accomodate everything I asked for, right down to the cookies shaped like graduation caps.  There is a maybe on the cookies but they will try to accomodate that request.

Work was stressful and busy, but I'll be in California next week, so hopefully it'll be easier with communicating with everyone in person.  We'll see.  It's just busy.

I finished Water For Elephants.  That was an interesting book.  It was quite different from the historical romances, Nicholas Sparks, and mystery novels I enjoy reading.  I thought it was well written.  Just different.  I can't really explain my feelings regarding the book.  It was a good, easy read, and enjoyable.  But some things rubbed me the wrong way and other things just made me smile.  I guess you could say I'm indifferent to the book.  I think next on the list for our little book club would be The Choice by Nicholas Sparks.  We're waiting for a few people to catch up and then we'll start moving on together.  Will be fun!

Well, off to shopping tomorrow in Bellevue with my good friend Rachel and then off to Santa Ana early Sunday morning.  Will be a great week.  Just two and a half more weeks until Florida.

Until next time my friends!

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