Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One more week to go!

So I have just one more week of "freedom" before I start the next year and a half of earning a dual master's degree.  I will start with my Master of Arts in Teaching with Learning and Technology, then I will move on to either an MBA or a Master of Arts in Organizational Managment.  I'm undecided which one.  I have a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Managment so I'm thinking of diversifying my education and earning an MBA, but that scares me so much.  I am afraid of the finance and economic classes, which are definintely not my strong suit.  I have such a high expectation to earn high grades and I'm afraid I won't meet that expectation if I go for earning my MBA.  However, I know a diverse education is important and an MBA will really solidify my educational background and open up opportunities for me in the future.

I have started to do some reading for my first Master's class.  I have finished the first week of assignments, and I know I will really love this program.  I'm looking forward to working through the classes and adding to an already strong background in corporate training.  Since this is what my job is, this degree will truly help me succeed as I push forward in my job.  Power Point is one of the my most favorite applications to use and I will be using it a LOT during this program.  So, while I'm nervous about the fact it's master's level, I'm really looking forward to accomplishing this segment in my life.

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